Clicking on commas while in a coma describes the last few weeks for me. My book has been progressing at an incredible pace. I have received and processed notes from my editor and I have signed on with a publisher (Westbow Press). I am about to send off into the final round of edits my manuscript. From there it will be published in a few short months. Just in time for Christmas. Don’t worry there will be an eBook version if you need to get that last-minute Christmas Eve present. ????
But why am I clicking on commas in a coma? Two things:
First, I am not great about typing in good grammar. It is why I have both spell-check from Word and grammar from Grammarly run over every article I write. My poor editor though added dozens of commas to my draft manuscript. The nice thing was he didn’t have to take any away. However, that left us both with hours of clicking on commas to add and then accept changes on commas. Since I am full-time dad clicking on commas is not high on my priority list, but it still needed to get done. Do you know when the best time to click on commas is? 5:30 AM. Yup, I have been getting up before even the early summer sun to click on commas which lead me to point two.
Second, kids don’t always sleep through the night. My poor little guy has been going through a bit of a rough patch with nightmares recently. He is just barely old enough to have them, but way too young to actually deal with them himself. Like clockwork, between 1:30 and 2:30 AM, he fusses and can’t get back to sleep without me to pat on his chest and reset the blanket. We are in week three of said occurrence. I think we may be at the end for now…
So, if you are waking up at 2 AM to get your kiddo back to sleep and then again at 5:30 to click on some commas, you too would be in a coma. Clicking on commas is the important work of the writer though. We cannot communicate without that important pause. Our points become a jumbled mess in our readers’ mind. When we have created that jumble, we have failed to our job.
I am very grateful for my editor working through my book and adding all the commas. It makes my work more professional, and it helps get my points across better. I am looking forward to getting my manuscript sent off to the publisher this week (hopefully by the time this post goes live).
For those of you that have had kids impede your sleep, let me know what things you did in a coma. How did you make it through? If anyone has book questions let me know? I love getting to talk about the ways God has worked through me and I will be doing a class on the book this fall at my home church.