I am a part of an advent group. One of the things that the group has done to generate unity is to discuss some of the difficult feelings we have this year and/or every year around this time. I believe it has been highly therapeutic and life-giving to many members of the group. It has been a good thing to air out some of the hurts of the world. But remembering the “not yet” doesn’t just mean the pain of the world it can also mean the victories God has given us and what we can do in the “already.”
2 Peter 3:12 mentions a hastening of the return of the Lord. The first two weeks of Advent we remember the hope we have in the return of our Lord. I think it might also be advantageous to remember what we have done this year to hasten His return.
For me, it doesn’t seem like I have accomplished much this year. It may be that you feel that way too when you reflect back or your year. We must remember though that the Holy Spirit often acts in unseen ways. I am going to list some of the things that have been accomplished this year. It is not to bring myself glory (the list is too small for that.) It is to bring glory to God.
I hope you can come up with a list of your own. Please post it in the comments so that we can praise God for the works He has done in our lives.
1. The first full draft of my book was finished. It is still in the dregs of revision before it goes to an editor.
2. I am almost 10,000 words into my next book’s very early draft.
3. My wife and I were blessed to lead a small group that was beginning to feel more like family than just another church group.
4. I got to discuss through the Screwtape Letters with my Friday morning men’s group. We are working through Judges right now.
5. I have gotten to give my son a foundation by being a stay-at-home Dad. By the grace of God, he has already learned important family habits like praying before a meal and wearing buckets on our heads.
I don’t know if any of these things actually hasten the return of Christ, but they are some of the special things God has done for me and through me this year.
Hastening the Coming of Christ
Reading Time: 2 minutes