I may be not enough, but I can work harder and longer and be open to new ideas and seek help to get there.
Before getting to the conference I was fortunate to meet with a Brother from our family of churches, Tom Jones. Tom Jones is perhaps best known for running DPI (Disciples Publications International) and his authorship of Deep Convictions. As someone on my way to a writer’s conference, I was able to meet someone who had been in the publishing business for a number of years and was now just enjoying the “quiet” life of a disciple of Christ.
Tom and I had a very fruitful meeting (at least from my end). He seemed excited to at least read my manuscript (once I get done editing it), and then refer it on if worthy to a couple of friends of his, including the head of IPI. To me, this was a big break. I could receive industry expertise and editorial suggestions, as well as, some blurbs from leaders of my family of churches. I left that meeting feeling more resolved than ever that this book had a chance. I would need anything and everything that I could pick up from the writer’s conference over the next few days to realize a publication.
This resolve led to me being incredibly intense and frenetic feeling at the conference. When in a new situation, I typically like to sit back and see how things unfold before choosing a manner to present myself. At this conference, I was “Type A” intensity all the way. I had a chance to learn and do something great not just for God but for myself. I wasn’t going to mess it up by playing it safe. I was going to go for it.
What this left me feeling were a few things. First, I am incredibly grateful to all the speakers who shared their knowledge and industry expertise. Second, I was exhausted. I certainly didn’t waste any time with being alone or not seeking advice. I asked every question I could and pushed myself to engage everyone I could. Both of which are incredibly draining to an introvert like myself. What I missed out of the conference that day though was perhaps the most important thing that I could have learned. How to invite God into my writing.
Why did you leave us Dad? Part 2
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